Hello! :wave: Just starting out / testing things,...
# general
Hello! đź‘‹ Just starting out / testing things, trying to look at existing resources programmatically. Slightly confused on how the getters should work, thanks for your help! Thread ->
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";

const attempt1 = async () => {
  let instances = await aws.ec2.getInstances({}, { async: true });
  // Property 'forEach' does not exist on type 'GetInstancesResult'.ts(2339)
  instances.forEach((instance) => {

const attempt2 = async () => {
  let instances = pulumi.output(aws.ec2.getInstances({}, { async: true }));
  // Property 'forEach' does not exist on type 'Output<UnwrappedObject<GetInstancesResult>>'.ts(2339)
  instances.forEach((instance) => {

const attempt3 = async () => {
  let instances = pulumi.output(aws.ec2.getInstances({}, { async: true }));
  instances.apply((instances) => {
    // Property 'forEach' does not exist on type 'UnwrappedObject<GetInstancesResult>'.ts(2339)
    instances.forEach((instance) => {
As the API doc you linked states, the function returns a type of
which is not an array you can iterate over. You’ll see that that interface has a bunch of fields on which you can interate.
So after you’ve awaited it, you still have a
against which you’ll want to use one of its properties like
to iterate
Gotcha, thanks. Is it possible to run this code to query the existing infrastructure created with other tools, without (re-)creating or importing the infrastructure to pulumi? Just trying to run the code gets me a
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(node:28738) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Program run without the Pulumi engine available; re-run using the `pulumi` CLI
pulumi preview
gets me
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I was wondering if there is a low-commitment way to check things out
You can use a local file system backend if you don’t want to setup a free Pulumi account (see https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/state/#backends)