I have a secret that I need to pass as a build arg...
# general
I have a secret that I need to pass as a build arg to a
but I cannot get it to pass it decrypted Definition:
_export_ const sec = pulumiConfig.requireSecret("secKey");
I've tried
pulumi.all([sec]).apply(([secString])  => { return { ARG_NAME: secString }; });
{ ARG_NAME: sec.apply(v=>v) }
Neither of these works, the value is always either
Calling [toString] on an [Output<T>] is not supported.\n\nTo get the value of an Output...
For what it's worth,
works fine on a secret imported from another stack using a StackReference
Can you share the code for the docker image? (redacting any potentially sensitive information of course 🙂) Want to get a better idea of how you have it setup. Without seeing the code, I’d suggest trying this:
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const buildArgs = sec.apply( secret => {
    return {
        args: { 
            ARG_NAME: secret 

const dockerImage = new docker.Image("name", {
    imageName: "image-name",
    build: buildArgs
_Note_: Inside of an 
 , your secret will be decrypted for use within the callback in plaintext. It is up to your program to treat this value sensitively and only pass the value to code that you trust.
@future-barista-68134, cleaned up code
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const pulumiConfig = new pulumi.Config();

const sec = pulumiConfig.requireSecret("secKey");
const sec2 = pulumiConfig.requireSecret("sec2Key");

const buildArgs = pulumi.all([sec, sec2]).apply(([secVal, sec2Val]) => {
  return {
    ARG1: secVal,
    ARG2: sec2Val,

const imageName = "spark-dotnet";
const imageVersion = "v1beta-0.0.1-spark-2.4.5";
const image = new docker.Image(imageName, {
  imageName: pulumi.interpolate`${k8sInfraStack.k8sRegistryLoginServer}/${imageName}:${imageVersion}`,
  build: {
    context: `./spark-dotnet-docker`,
    args: buildArgs,
  registry: {
    server: k8sInfraStack.k8sRegistryLoginServer,
    username: k8sInfraStack.k8sRegistryUsername,
    password: k8sInfraStack.k8sRegistryPassword,
Great, that looks like it should work.. does it?
No, doesn't work 😞
it's actually slightly different sorry
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const buildArgs = pulumi.all([sec, sec2]).apply(([secVal, sec2Val]) => {
  return {
    ARG1: `https:<mailto://${secVal}@org.visualstudio.com|//${secVal}@org.visualstudio.com>`,
results in
fatal: could not read Password for 'https://[secret]@org.visualstudio.com': No such device or address
in my case, sec is a Azure DevOps PAT
This seems like it could be a bug, can you create an issue here: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues One last thing to try:
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const buildArgs = pulumi.all([sec, sec2]).apply(([secVal, sec2Val]) => {
  return {
    context: `./spark-dotnet-docker`,
    args: {
        ARG1: secVal,
        ARG2: sec2Val

const imageName = "spark-dotnet";
const imageVersion = "v1beta-0.0.1-spark-2.4.5";
const image = new docker.Image(imageName, {
  imageName: pulumi.interpolate`${k8sInfraStack.k8sRegistryLoginServer}/${imageName}:${imageVersion}`,
  build: buildArgs,
  registry: {
    server: k8sInfraStack.k8sRegistryLoginServer,
    username: k8sInfraStack.k8sRegistryUsername,
    password: k8sInfraStack.k8sRegistryPassword,
If I have time I’ll try and reproduce this myself…
Thanks @future-barista-68134, I tried that model, same result, issue 4675 created
👍 1