Is anyone else out there having a rough time getti...
# general
Is anyone else out there having a rough time getting Pulumi to use aws Profiles? I have a shared credentials file in ~/.aws/credentials that has a default profile which has my access key and secret then I created another profile named sandbox which references a role_arn and source_profile of default. In the pulumi config I set aws:profile to use sandbox. However when I do a pulumi preview and write out the callidentity is still pointed to my main account.
Yep. I have this exact problem. It's being tracked here:
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yuck. Ok was hoping this would work since I am putting this in a pipeline to manage multiple accounts..
I mean technically I could within the program to an STS Assume role, but that is extra code that really shouldnt be needed.
just need the boto3 import for python
meh then you add a bunch of extra code cause pulumi doesn't recognize it
just out of interest, does it work with the
environment variable?
the linked issue is related to the secrets providers, which is a slightly different issue than the engine execution
try that?
maybe not super relevant
@billowy-army-68599 no I tried both setting just Environment Variable and aws:profile, then also setting both
hmm that's interesting, I
I have a similar setup and it seems to work fine
I can manually using the same config do an STS:Assume Role call and get back temp creds. Just Pulumi isn't recognizing the Profile to assume
using v2.2.1
Cred FIle
Can you open an issue in Pulumi/pulumi for this, I’d like to track it
I’m also assuming you’re using the aws provider?
Yes. Version 2.4.0
python 3.7.7
I think I am hitting the same issue. Fresh Pulumi / awscli installed. I have profiles configured correctly, and the Pulumi stack configured to use a working profile. Consistently seeing:
You should print the getcallidentity accountid see if you are working in the expected account @microscopic-article-39213
@chilly-hairdresser-56259 Attempting to call
fails with the same error as above: The
pulumi diagnostic
line prints out the named profile I want to use, which confirms to me that Pulumi knows about the named profile configured, but it does not seem to be using it. Using that named profile with aws-cli directly works fine ala:
aws s3 ls --profile=<profile name>
Happy to try other things to help debug.
Im going to start looking at this again today, try to figure out if maybe I am doing something wrong and comment on the github issue if I find anything.
@billowy-army-68599 I put in place a work around with aws-vault, not ideal, but it works. @microscopic-article-39213
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thanks, I didn't get time to look at this yet, but would appreciate a comment on the issue with your workaround
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will do thanks