Hey there, i'm trying to use the micro-stack appro...
# general
Hey there, i'm trying to use the micro-stack approach with the feature inter-stack-dependencies. To have one or more main infrastructure stacks like in the example aws-stackreference-architecture. But this example with its references only work with the pulumi service as the main state backend. In our project i have to use our own state backend like azure blob storage. How is it possible to config stack references in local or cloud state backend ?
I had a similar question a few days ago, in the context of a local backend. It turns out, it's possible, but the stack names are global. It's probably the same for an Azure backend. https://pulumi-community.slack.com/archives/C84L4E3N1/p1590257065017000
Ok thx. I will try something like "{projektName}.{environmentName}" as a stack naming convention.
👍 1
Yup, exactly. If you can, please let me know if you bump into any issues. I might need to do the same thing soon.