Is there a resource for community-developed Compon...
# general
Is there a resource for community-developed ComponentResources?
there isn't currently, but we're looking at options here
đź‘Ť 3
probably doesn’t need to be too sophisticated to start eh? An “awesome” list that people can open PRs on to add their component might suffice for now .. just needs to be easy to find
An “awesome list” was what I was googling and came up dry.
The main problem, as far as I see, is the interoperability between languages. A component written in JS won't be usable in any of the other languages supported by Pulumi. There was a ticket where I think the current preferred approach is to introduse some common intermediate format from which language/component libraries can be built.
there's an example here of a ComponentResource in 2 languages which is one approach
I'm happy to try and curate an "awesome list", i think that's a good idea
đź‘Ť 1
I think the repository could have a structure that encourages contributors to write components in other languages if not currently supported.
Facebook used to (not sure if they still do) have a code puzzle game where you could find an email address that you email, and it sends you back code tests, you reply with solutions solved in any of the supported languages, and it would respond with a new (harder) code puzzle you could respond to. You could respond in as many languages as you wanted.