I'm stuck on a few basic concepts. We're a SaaS wh...
# general
I'm stuck on a few basic concepts. We're a SaaS which creates staticaly build websites (in Gatsby). We're porting an old legacy application which was multi-tenant PHP based... Anyway, our current pre-alpha, essentially works by doing a build on Netlify of our React application and handles the hosting. It pulls data from a CMS we set up per website. The current way we would set up new sites is not going to scale for us, so i'm looking at Pulumi. My issues I have is understanding the flow.... ie. We need to set up a CMS per customer (with some pre-configured configuration options). Then we need to set up an environment to do a
yarn build
which then builds the site and capable of doing new builds EVERY time something on the CMS changes, (similar to Netlify) and then deploy it to some CDN/Cloudfront(S3 etc). No preference here though. (1) The confusion I have is basically our new SaaS IS the pulumi project right? Or would we have multiple projects, one per customer? Additionally, if our customers choose their hostname on our main application, I can't find anything within Pulumi which let's us pass variabe/configs from our app to Pulumi to handle the automation part. (The search on Pulumi docs is down so it's making it realy difficult to slice through the docs). (2) Any one got any nice ideas for how we handle the building of the site part? The beauty of Netlify was that it handled that for us, but it's way too expensive for the build minutes we need.
hey Chris! There's a few ways of handling this. My gut feeling is that if your customers are all the same deployment with a few different configuration variables, you might want them to be different stacks: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/stack/ The information about configuration is here: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/config/ Regarding your need for build changes, that falls outside of Pulumi's scope I think, but if would be possible to build a netlify like clone with some of the cloud building blocks I think
@dazzling-vr-33407 Think you might of missed this reply ☝️
I did. Thank you for pinging me.
you’re welcome; it’s an interesting question