Hi, I followed the basic tutorial to start a k8s c...
# general
Hi, I followed the basic tutorial to start a k8s cluster using Pulumi (creating the cluster and then adding a NGINX deployment on it). This works fine (except when using a non-default Amazon credentials, although I'm not sure why). The problem I have is that after all the steps complete, I couldn't access the public IP of the nginx deployment from my browser. I tried updating the code using that of another tutorial (which sets up an nginx to redirect the pulumi.github.io page), and all the steps worked correctly but I still couldn't see the page from outside. Could someone indicate what permissions I should change?
hey! did you provision a new cluster for this?
yes, look at the files I shared below
I followed the tutorial but it did not seem to work
in EKS? if it's using EKS, there are quite a few things you'd need to do to make the page publicly accessible
yes it was using EKS
could you point me to those things? perhaps it might be useful to add a few notes to the tutorial page, as I was following it (it uses EKS) and there were no mentions of that
which tutorial did you follow?
the code should mostly be similar to the files I linked there https://pulumi-community.slack.com/archives/C84L4E3N1/p1591012170320300
I mixed two tutorials because I wanted to deploy some service, but the basis should be similar
I first tried with the Guestbook as the tutorial shows, but it wouldn't work when trying to access the address
Thag tutorial doesn’t cover running an ingress unfortunately because it’s a rather in depth topic. You need to deploy an ingress controller and define an ingress, as well as configure your cluster correctly. There are some aws docs on it here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/load-balancing-and-ingress.html