I developed on the JVM for years before picking up...
# general
I developed on the JVM for years before picking up Haskell. I'm wondering what's the state of Java, Scala, Kotin support?
"A long way off" might not be getting to the core of the answer... https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/1539
I know of Joe's work at Microsoft and on CLR. I wonder if there is still a sense of us/them. I'm not overly fond of the JVM but I am all for widespread adoption of Pulumi. I want it to win! Lack of JVM support could be a barrier. The TypeScript support is usable by all though (but then why'd you need CLR/C#/F# support?). I do need to get better at TS though. I'm pretty clumsy at it :)
Perhaps Microsoft acquisition is the exit strategy? I've no idea how Microsoft feel about Java these days.
Lots of reasons for supporting more lauugages. There's a few back-office apps that I'm aware of that would really benefit from being able to change the desired state of their own infrastructure.