what would be the equivalent in pulumi to the <loc...
# general
what would be the equivalent in pulumi to the local-exec terraform provisioner?
It's code... You can do anything you can in code. I just built something in C# that uses the Azure SDK directly in C#, then using the .net Http client libraries to make calls.
That's the game-changer aspect of pulumi in my eyes. If you can give us an idea of the language and what you're trying to achieve, we might be able to help
Yea i figured i could use boto directly. Only that this will not a "resource" managed by pulumi. From my understanding the local-exec in terraform can manage the created resource to some extend
Anyway, what i'm trying to accomplish is to run a one-off ecs task. terraform aws provides does not have anything similar to the ecs run-task api/cli, so pulumi neither has it. Right now i'll try to run that taks via boto3, but not sure if maybe there is abetter option
If you're looking for create/update type functionality, you're looking for dynamic providers. I don't know much about them as they're not available in C#.
I had a similar problem in that I need to run a web request against an Azure functions that would set something as it wasnt available. I was lucky as I could write it in a way that checked if it existed each time.