hi all, is partial resource adoption supported in ...
# general
hi all, is partial resource adoption supported in some way? E.G. I have a storage account, part of its configuration includes a network firewall, all is one unique resource in Pulumi (Azure). Is there any way to import an existing storage account and let pulumi create/destroy/update only the network firewall (as properties of the storage resource)? thank you (I'm using .NET, but I figured the question is generic)
If the network firewall is treated as separate properties on a single resource, than no - you can’t do this without also giving your pulumi stack management over the storage account. But if the network firewall is treated as a separate resource, then you could do this without also managing the storage account.
no, it's the same resource, that's the issue
yea then you may be SOL in this case, which kind of sucks. You could import the storage account and mark it as
so that you're pulumi stack would be prevented from ever destroying it without manual intervention, but could update it freely
yeah, that's what I thought, too. I'm surprised I am the only one having this issue, some resources bulk together a lot of parts, part-multitenanted apps must need this a lot. thanks anyway. I guess I'll wait for the dynamic providers.
I don't think pulumi yet has the concept of partial-resource control, but it is interesting and i'm sure you're not the only one that could use it. You could open an issue if there isn't already one and see if you get support.
👍 1