Just a thought - would it be possible to visualize...
# general
Just a thought - would it be possible to visualize the pulumi preview in Ascii as a form of dependency graph? i.e. illustrate the order in which they will be updated based on the internal dependencies? Absolutely useless, but would be quite cool πŸ˜‰
Hi @better-shampoo-48884 have you seen the Pulumi graph command? Does this does what what you want? It produces in DOT format so you can push it to any tool that supports that
yup - absolutely - and it's quite fun to play with πŸ˜‰ Just thinking that it would be nice to have that as a seperate column after Plan in the preview as well in ASCII format so you get an idea of how paralell the operation is going to be πŸ˜‰
Ah I see! We don’t support these custom visualisations right now but if you have a well formed idea of how this would work, I can suggest opening and issue :)
If i manage to get a clear idea of how we can get a readable graph in very few columns of ascii I'll make a proposal πŸ˜‰