Design question; I have some infrastructure that i...
# general
Design question; I have some infrastructure that is going to be quite re-used, for instance I'll have a single VPC for many "stacks". In Terraform I would probably have things like VPC, route53 zones, etc. defined in the root, and "sub-projects" defined as modules with ids as input. In pulumi I'm not sure what the best approach would be. • I could have a stack that creates the common infrastructure and other stacks that refer to its resources using stack reference • I could a single stack with everything combined (and using typescript features to split into logical folders/files) • I could create a component resource that encapsulates "child projects" Any thoughts?
I asked a similar question last week and the recommendations were to have multiple Pulumi projects for these different modules
And from there, we're looking at using Pulumi's Automation API to loosely couple the infra projects together
In this particular case, I'd do the following: - define the VPC as its own project, output the VPC id as a stack output - encapsulate the rest of your logic into component resources with an input arg of VPC id - you can then either 1) grab the vpc id as a stack output or 2) use
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it gives you a lot of flexibility
my usual advice is to group projects together logically using considerations of "rate of change" or "blast radius" as a consideration. What I mean by that is, if you have a shared VPC for a lot of different stuff, that is likely to change a lot less than the things that live inside it, so it's useful to decouple them into different proijects
Makes sense, thanks a lot @green-musician-49057 & @billowy-army-68599! The only downside of this is that the subproject is not independant; if I were to start from scratch, but it's a very minor problem compared to the upsides
can you elaborate on that a little? not quite followingh
Let's say I have two stacks:
(which has the VPC resource), and another stack
which consumes that VPC id. If I were to checkout the stack
and try to apply it on a brand new AWS account, it wouldn't work because the VPC would not exist. If they were both in the same stack, this would not happen
ahhh got it, yeah I'm following now
yeah that is a trade off, but I think you'll find the pros outweigh the cons 🙂
For sure! And the fact that it will break if the
stack is not deployed is perfect, fail fast!
you can even
is the stack output is not resolved 🙂
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damn that's true! It's cleaner than the way I used to "throw" in TF haha:
Copy code
locals {
  # Abusing the 'file' function to fail if the specified environment does not match the workspace
  assert_environment_matches_workspace = terraform.workspace != var.environment ? file("ERROR: Environment needs to match the workspace") : null