Ok.. I've got a bit of a crazy idea for something....
# general
Ok.. I've got a bit of a crazy idea for something. I'll paste more info in the thread of this message - but the gist is: I would like to generate passwords for rabbitmq (which is done with a silly sha256/512 hashing algorithm with a salt converted to base64). To do that, I'd like to use pulumi/random RandomPassword module for the passwords themselves - and put them into azure keyvault. However, I also need to pass those passwords in their rabbitmq-obfuscated-hashed form into a json object as values for rabbitmq config and put into a kubernetes secret (or more likely, throw into keyvault and use keyvault sync to create the secret). The fun begins..
So I set this up to generate the passwords themselves:
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const rabbitUsers =  {
        orchestratorclient: new random.RandomPassword("orchestratorclient", {length:32}),
        orchestratoruser: new random.RandomPassword("orchestratoruser", {length:32}),
        subscriptionuser: new random.RandomPassword("subscriptionuser", {length:32}),
        orchestrator: new random.RandomPassword("orchestrator", {length:32}),
        admin: new random.RandomPassword("admin", {length:32}),
        producer: new random.RandomPassword("producer", {length:32}),
        testreader: new random.RandomPassword("testreader", {length:32})
And then I have my rabbit-password-hashing-function:
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const rabbitPassHasher = (pass2hash : string, salt?: Buffer) => {
        //let salt = Buffer.from([0x90,0x8D,0xC6,0x0A])
        if (salt) {
        } else {
            salt = randomBytes(32)
        //let concated = Buffer.concat([salt, Buffer.from("test12")])
        let pass = Buffer.from(pass2hash)
        let concated : Buffer = Buffer.concat([salt, pass])
        let hash = createHash('sha256')
        let hashDigest = hash.digest()
        return Buffer.concat([salt, hashDigest]).toString('base64')    

    const salt = Buffer.from([0xDE,0xAD,0xCA,0xFE])
You're doing
new random.RandomPassword("foo", {length: 32}).result
The trick comes with this...
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let rabbitLoadFile = { 
        "rabbit_version": "3.7.13",
        "users": [{
            "name": "orchestratorclient",
            "password_hash": rabbitPassHasher(pulumi.interpolate`rabbitUsers.orchestratorclient.result`, salt),
            "hashing_algorithm": "rabbit_password_hashing_sha256",
            "tags": ""
Because, of course, and as it should be - rabbitUsers.orchestratorclient.result is Output<string>
yeah was getting to that 😉
(just to interrupt you)
so I've tried both the .apply and the interpolate methods - and they both turn out Output<string>.. and I'm realizing that yes - they should. it needs to be that way.
so.. my thought now is - can I extend the random module to generate both the password AND the rabbit-hashed version of the same?
Could you use a component resource? And the output is the rabbit-hashed version?
like.. we have
- if I could add
to the list, that should solve it nicely
can you not do:
rabbitUsers.orchestratorclient.result.apply(x => rabbitPassHasher(x, salt))
i.. i.. probably..
gonna test that out!
and otherwise - component resource looks like a good direction for a next step
you might need to output tuple the salt, i didn't know if that was also an output or not
dammit Joshua - why do you have to point out the blaringly obvious 😉 thanks ❤️
haha hope it works!
the salt is of no consequence (though it would be fun to also have the salt controlled by Random - but i'm going to accept a static salt in my code ;))
that would give you
of the hash so then to put that in the JSON you would need to do like:
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hash.apply(rabbitHash =>
    return {
        "password_hash": rabbitHash,
So... sorry to take so long for getting confirmation, been struggling with automation, promise leaks, and everything weird in general. Regardless! I thought I got everything nicely handled - my json object got pushed into azure as a secret, and propegated into k8s as a secret through synchronization - and what do I finally find? this:
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"users": [
            "name": "orchestratorclient",
            "password_hash": "Calling [toJSON] on an [Output<T>] is not supported.\n\nTo get the value of an Output as a JSON value or JSON string consider either:\n    1: o.apply(v => v.toJSON())\n    2: o.apply(v => JSON.stringify(v))\n\nSee <https://pulumi.io/help/outputs> for more details.\nThis function may throw in a future version of @pulumi/pulumi.",
            "hashing_algorithm": "rabbit_password_hashing_sha256",
            "tags": ""
😄 😄
so.. Joshua was right, I'm now just trying to wrap my head around how to JSON.stringify the resulting object..
basically the object above needs to be created through this:
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let rabbitLoadFile = { 
        "rabbit_version": "3.8.14",
        "users": [{
            "name": "orchestratorclient",
            "password_hash": rabbitUsers.orchestratorclient.result.apply(x => { return rabbitPassHasher(x, salt)}),
            "hashing_algorithm": "rabbit_password_hashing_sha256",
            "tags": ""

 const rabbitLoadSecret = new azure.keyvault.Secret(`rabbit-load-definition`, {
        resourceGroupName: environment.rg,
        vaultName: environment.vault.name,
        secretName: `rabbit-load-definition`,
        properties: {
            value: JSON.stringify(rabbitLoadFile.apply())
now.. since password_hash is an Output<string>..
but rabbitLoadFile is just a plain object..
how.. do I resolve all these? take one of the passwords, do an apply, output the whole dang thing as a JSON.stringify'd object as the result?
This is the part of pulumi that makes my brain shut off and go into gaga mode for some reason.. I keep doing wrong things that I know that are wrong but slightly out of desperation. Like..
value: rabbitUsers.admin.result.apply(x => { return JSON.stringify(rabbitLoadFile)})
you're missing a key concept
Output<T> needs to be Output<T> all the way down. You cannot get your value you of it. (unless you were to await it, but you wouldn't do that in a traditional pulumi program)
this code is an issue:
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let rabbitLoadFile = { 
        "rabbit_version": "3.8.14",
        "users": [{
            "name": "orchestratorclient",
            "password_hash": rabbitUsers.orchestratorclient.result.apply(x => { return rabbitPassHasher(x, salt)}),
            "hashing_algorithm": "rabbit_password_hashing_sha256",
            "tags": ""
It will never work that way, because you are setting an Output<T> on a property on the object
you need the entire object to be an Output<T>. The:
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properties: {
            value: JSON.stringify(rabbitLoadFile.apply())
here should accept Input<T>
Can I simply state that the type of the object is an Output<T> then?
I mean.. "it's never that easy". That's why I was originally thinking of extending the random generation to an extent - but I would have hit the same problem.
so you need to do this:
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let rabbitLoadFile = rabbitUsers.orchestratorclient.result.apply(password =>
    return {
        "rabbit_version": "3.8.14",
        "users": [{
            "name": "orchestratorclient",
            "password_hash": rabbitPassHasher(password, salt),
            "hashing_algorithm": "rabbit_password_hashing_sha256",
            "tags": "",
now your load file is an Output<object>. And then:
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const rabbitLoadSecret = new azure.keyvault.Secret(`rabbit-load-definition`, {
        resourceGroupName: environment.rg,
        vaultName: environment.vault.name,
        secretName: `rabbit-load-definition`,
        properties: {
            value: rabbitLoadFile.apply(x => JSON.stringify(x)),
see - this is where I'm slightly confused. Since rabbitLoadFile is already an Output<T> in the first object - would it not be pertinent to simply JSON.stringify() that return and then use it directly with
rabbitLoadFile is not an
in your original example
value: rabbitUsers.admin.result.apply(x => { return JSON.stringify(rabbitLoadFile)})
seems to me to be identical
it is an inline javascript object that you declared
but in your example you're wrapping the js object inside ..client.result.apply() to force it to an output. That would be the same as my one-liner right?
your rabbitLoadFile is
mine is
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let rabbitLoadFile = rabbitUsers.orchestratorclient.result.apply(password =>
    return JSON.stringify({
        "rabbit_version": "3.8.14",
        "users": [{
            "name": "orchestratorclient",
            "password_hash": rabbitPassHasher(password, salt),
            "hashing_algorithm": "rabbit_password_hashing_sha256",
            "tags": "",
The above would be an Output<string> right?
then you could just pass
directly to
assuming it takes
ok, think I see the issue in comprehension here - I'm currently making an Output<string> of the password_hash value because I do the .result.apply() at that stage
the reason being that the object itself contains multiple users..
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let rabbitLoadFile = rabbitUsers.orchestratorclient.result.apply(pass{ 
        "rabbit_version": "3.8.14",
        "users": [{
            "name": "orchestratorclient",
            "password_hash": rabbitUsers.orchestratorclient.result.apply(x => { return rabbitPassHasher(x, salt)}),
            "hashing_algorithm": "rabbit_password_hashing_sha256",
            "tags": ""
        }, {
            "name": "orchestratoruser",
            "password_hash": rabbitUsers.orchestratoruser.result.apply(x => { return rabbitPassHasher(x, salt)}),
            "hashing_algorithm": "rabbit_password_hashing_sha256",
            "tags": ""
        }, {
each of which I want a password for:
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const rabbitUsers : { [index: string]: random.RandomPassword } =  {
        orchestratorclient: new random.RandomPassword("orchestratorclient", {length:32}),
        orchestratoruser: new random.RandomPassword("orchestratoruser", {length:32}),
        subscriptionuser: new random.RandomPassword("subscriptionuser", {length:32}),
        orchestrator: new random.RandomPassword("orchestrator", {length:32}),
        admin: new random.RandomPassword("admin", {length:32}),
        producer: new random.RandomPassword("producer", {length:32}),
        testreader: new random.RandomPassword("testreader", {length:32})
so.. considering users is an array of Output<Object> - it would need to be an Output<Array> and so on..
ah. It's probably going to be painful but this is where
comes in, so you can pass multiple
into an
call. Alternatively you could save the
until the very end and append to the
array. So you could do:
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let rabbitLoadFile = password1.apply(pw =>
    return {
        "rabbit_version": "3.8.14",
        "users": [{
            "name": "orchestratorclient",
            "password_hash": rabbitPassHasher(pw, salt),
            "hashing_algorithm": "rabbit_password_hashing_sha256",
            "tags": "",
and that would just be for the first password. You want to keep it as an
so you can continue to manipulate it as an object. Then all passwords after that could look like:
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rabbitLoadFile = output.all(rabbitLoadFile, password2).apply((file, pw) =>
    // instead of adding it to the existing object
    // you may want to clone it, modify the clone, and return the clone
        "name": "orchestratorclient",
        "password_hash": rabbitPassHasher(pw, salt),
        "hashing_algorithm": "rabbit_password_hashing_sha256",
        "tags": "",
and then finally on
you would
rabbitLoadFile.apply(x => JSON.stringify(x))
I'm psuedo coding a bit when it comes to array manipulation idk what the exact syntax would be, but hopefully i conveyed the idea
there is much contemplation in my head.. but it makes some sense yes.
just a quick thought - where did you get `output.all`from?
what SDK are you in? TypeScript?
pulumi.output doesn't seem to have that
so guessing it's somewhere slightly different..
in C# it is called
ah righty - looking good then.
as such - shall dive deeply into the mire of rabbits, and a few previews and ups, and with any hope, come back to report success and share the resulting code 😄
good luck!
ill be here!
thanks 😉
So far so good.. preview phase ended with less than 2gb of memory used for once (was 1920mb, so not too far off but hey I'll take it), and it updated the secret! 😄
Copy code
"rabbit_version": "3.8.14",
    "users": [
            "name": "orchestratorclient",
            "password_hash": "3q3K/j9AhUZPSGJYsSu7xZHu6ggA2YsaSzDkWFUO6+Ch7aWQ",
            "hashing_algorithm": "rabbit_password_hashing_sha256",
            "tags": ""
happy days!
Heh.. how are we with pasting 283 lines of insanity in here? 😉
can push it into a gist otherwise I presume
so yeah. this works. and I can live with it. THANK YOU so incredibly much, I'm definitely hoping that next time I face something like this I'll remember the lessons on Output<T>
glad to hear it!