Anyone know if <
# general
Anyone know if can work with an s3 backend?
I haven't used this app specifically, but it looks like it relies on
pulumi preview
so I don't see why it wouldn't.
I don't quite understand the link between the github app and
pulumi review
, since it is running on my CI independently from gituhb, so my assumption was that the link between the two was using pulumi's services and would therefore not work without it. I'll need to investiguate more
the github app uses a webhook from the pulumi service, so it can't be used with the s3 backend. you can recreate a lot of the functionality of the app using the github action
👍 1
Thanks Lee. I shoudln't have chimed in without looking at it more.
not at all, it's a bit of a black box, we always appreciate the help!