Hello! What's the best channel to ask for help? Sp...
# general
Hello! What's the best channel to ask for help? Specifically about
pulumi import
for vSphere? I can't seem to figure out how to import a resource that requires a datacenter be set. Here is what I'm currently trying to use
pulumi import vsphere:index/computeCluster:ComputeCluster Management Mgmnt --parent datacenter=urn:pulumi:infra::vsphere::vsphere:index/datacenter:Datacenter::datacenter
I get the following error:
error: Preview failed: importing Mgmnt: error loading cluster: please specify a datacenter
Thank you for any help!
I believe the format of an
for this resource is
, so that you would do:
Copy code
pulumi import vsphere:index/computeCluster:ComputeCluster Management /dc1/host/Mgmnt --parent datacenter=urn:pulumi:infra::vsphere::vsphere:index/datacenter:Datacenter::datacenter
Unfortunately this format doesn't appear to be showing up in the docs as I'd expect it to - would you mind opening an issue on that in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-vsphere?
Will do, thank you!
This ended up being the command that worked for me
pulumi import vsphere:index/computeCluster:ComputeCluster Management /Datacenter/host/Mgmnt --parent datacenter=urn:pulumi:infra::vsphere::vsphere:index/datacenter:Datacenter::datacenter
since /Datacenter is the name of the datacenter in vsphere, thank you very much!
@faint-dusk-40863 did you end up filing an issue for this? I'm having trouble understanding the problem as you stated it, also not understanding which documentation is lacking detail.
@purple-nail-36818 Sorry for never getting back to you, the lack of documentation is purely just the need to have
between the datacenter name and the computercluster. So rather than
it needs to be
. Would you still like a ticket?