Is there a generic API in Pulumi for creating Kube...
# general
Is there a generic API in Pulumi for creating Kubernetes clusters on EKS / AKS / GKS?
for EKS you have this we just added Python, Go, .NET support today
@delightful-salesclerk-16161 I actually meant one API for all of them
no, there is not. talk to me about the use case though? just having a generic managed K8s API is easier or you are looking to do multi-cloud type things so you need access to one uniform library?
yeah I'm looking to open source an example for something that's based on pulumi, and I want people to be able to use any cloud they want without changing the code
btw, what does the python support for eks means? do you also support awsx in python now (creating vpc with public/private subnets etc)?
awsx is typescript only at the moment, but the eks module supports all out language SDKs yes In terms of the cluster creation code - it’s not something we currently offer, but it is something you could build if you abstract things in the right way