Hi together, I am trying to access the gcp cloudas...
# general
Hi together, I am trying to access the gcp cloudasset api with the google native providers. However, I always get an error 403. I have already tried the following: gcloud auth application-default login gcloud auth activate-service-account gcloud config set billing/quota_project gcloud config set auth/impersonate_service_account
error sending request: googleapi: Error 403: Your application has authenticated using end user credentials from the Google Cloud SDK or Google Cloud Shell which are not supported by the <http://cloudasset.googleapis.com|cloudasset.googleapis.com>. We recommend configuring the billing/quota_project setting in gcloud or using a service account through the auth/impersonate_service_account setting. For more information about service accounts and how to use them in your application, see <https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/>.
Are you using a user account or a service account? That link says that you must use a service account.
i am trying with both
You may find more specific help over in #gcp