Hello! :wave: We went through the Pulumi <docs> as...
# general
Hello! 👋 We went through the Pulumi docs as well as the AWS docs. Does anyone have any idea on how one would go about having Pulumi setup a Lambda with a custom runtime? I see Runtime.Custom as a configuration type but can’t figure how to include the bootstrap file. The end goal would be to install OpenSSH (in addition to node) on the Lambda; so we can do some SFTP. We’re doing TypeScript if that matters.
I'm really not sure if it's possible to SSH into lambda functions, not easily anyway. Is there prior art here you're following?
hey @billowy-army-68599, sorry “prior art”? To clarify, I don’t want to SSH into the lambda but from the lambda - ie., push files from the lambda into another box. So I’d be looking to have ssh, sftp, scp binaries available on the lambda runtime…