Hi, I updated my operating system (Ubuntu 21.04) a...
# general
Hi, I updated my operating system (Ubuntu 21.04) and now previously working pulumi project returns following: $ pulumi up Enter your passphrase to unlock config/secrets (set PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE or PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE_FILE to remember): Previewing update (dataddo-test1-dev): error: failed to discover plugin requirements: exit status 1
any ideas how to fix that ?
ok I found a fix
./venv/bin/python3 -m ensurepip
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running this in the project directory fixed the problem
you may also need to reinstall your pip installed modules like pulumi-aws
Thank you for being the type of person who posts the solution that they found. I wish it was more common. ❤️
You totally saved my day. Thanks.
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