hi, can anyone help or advise with this: we are us...
# general
hi, can anyone help or advise with this: we are using packer to spin up an AMI (AWS) image of one of our web app servers, we would like to use pulumi to run additional configuration in the form of powershell scripts on the server to install and configure instances of our web application. What is the best way to go about doing this? Advice and guidance much appreciated, thanks!
We have some examples around provisioners that you can take a look at. Otherwise you can use
and run the powershell scripts that way
Thanks Domi 🙂
👍 1
thanks I think I would like to avoid the UserData option if possible - but if it seems to be the only way I guess that will have to do
is there a limitation with using Go or C#?
Yes there is. You can only use python or typescript
bummer. and we decided we would make Go our language of choice for all things platform automation. I guess that throws that into disarray - is there any ETA on Go support? What would your recommendation be in this situation? Would it be potentially chaotic mixing and matching different languages to describe the infrastructure?
I shall ask and find out
👍 1