Hi, had one question about AWS ECS. According to t...
# general
Hi, had one question about AWS ECS. According to this article, it is possible on ECS to run a standalone task. But it seems that pulumi only supports attaching task to a service. Does anybody know if Pulumi can do that ?
That's correct. If you wanted to run a task, you could look at the code here and then either curl the apigateway endpoint if you use the exact code in the example, or you could not use the apigateway and just run the code once the task definition is set up. You're running code after all
so it is done via AWS Lambda ?
sounds kinda heavyweight to define API endpoint only to trigger one time container
or perhaps I am not fully understanding your remark: "_or you could not use the apigateway and just run the code once the task definition is set up. You're running code after all"_
hmm I see, the task.run
but that is available only in the crosswalk but I believe the crosswalk is not supportet for Python which I am using
Is the task supposed to be long running or is it one that just runs some code and then stops?
just a single batch code that is supposed to be executed just once