What’s the best way to create “presets” in Pulumi ...
# general
What’s the best way to create “presets” in Pulumi in Python? For example, I want to create GCP projects with certain defaults (e.g. don’t create the default network), but I still want to allow end users to override those defaults and at the same time dont’ want to maintain a ton of boilerplate if I don’t have to.
I think you're looking for a Component Resource: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/resources/ You can define a class with sane defaults that can be overridden
I have an example somewhere if you need one
i’d love to see an example!
Ah, that looks like what I’m after. Thanks!
you can either import them locally from a file, or publish them to pypi to reuse them
@billowy-army-68599 Is there any way to skip defining all the arguments to a particular resource again?
what do you mean?
Like I want my resource to be a drop-in replacement to the
resource. I still want it to accept all the same kwargs, etc.
I just want the ability to change the default values.
i'm finding it hard to visualize what you're saying, would you mind sharing some pseudo code?
Are you familiar with Ansible at all?
not in a long time...
I wish I was less familiar.
I want the ability to specify a set of default arguments to Resources so that I: 1) don’t have to maintain an entire resource definition 2) Don’t clobber user-specified values 3) Can retroactively go back into Pulumi code and insert my custom modules with as little friction as possible.
ahh, yeah we don't have that as a built in, you'd have to specify the values for your class and then pass them through to the resources
actually let me get someone smarter to chime in, standby
This is where I am almost envious of monkey patching in Ruby. 😄
And then I realize that those are Bad Thoughts.
I think you’ll have to create a wrapper function with the defaults defined to do that.
Yeah, that’s sort of what I’m trying to avoid.
Because it’s just a ton of Boilerplate.
well, don’t know what to tell you friend.
Maybe you’ll come up with a better way and then you can tell us about it
Thanks for your help