Hi all, about a week ago we started getting a fail...
# general
Hi all, about a week ago we started getting a failed build in AWS because of elastic load balancer target group not found, but we didn’t change anything:
Copy code
creating urn:pulumi:deploy-ci-ap-1968-1974::deploy::aws:lb/targetGroup:TargetGroup::tg-34fffe08c9cdc8xx: error updating LB Target Group (arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:9484287xxx:targetgroup/tg-34fffe08c9cdxxx-11dxx/be0f801aee3xxx) tags: error tagging resource (arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:9484287xx:targetgroup/tg-34fffe08c9cdcxx/be0f801aee3xx): TargetGroupNotFound: Target groups 'arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:9484287xx:targetgroup/tg-34fffe08c9cdc8xx-11dxx/be0f801aee3xx' not found
    status code: 400, request id: 3a8287xx-xx-xx-xx-a9a26466xx
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? We are using Pulumi 2.19 right now
it looks like someone deleted the target group outside of Pulumi?
🤔 1
That would be really strange of someone on our team to do …ok, I’ll look into it. Thank you
so, the load balancer does look like it exists but there’s no “Registered targets”, so it looks like the target didn’t get created…