Hey guys, are there any good examples out there fo...
# general
Hey guys, are there any good examples out there for using the pulumi.tls package? The examples in the docs are very sparse. I'm basically looking to replicate this, but automate it with Pulumi. Any pointers would be appreciated
Just an example from me on using TLS:
Copy code
selfSignedKey, err := tls.NewPrivateKey(ctx, "self-signed-key", &tls.PrivateKeyArgs{
		Algorithm: pulumi.String("RSA"),
		RsaBits:   <http://pulumi.Int|pulumi.Int>(2048),
	if err != nil {
		return err

	selfSignedCert, err := tls.NewSelfSignedCert(ctx, "self-signed-cert", &tls.SelfSignedCertArgs{
		Subjects: tls.SelfSignedCertSubjectArray{
			tls.SelfSignedCertSubjectArgs{CommonName: pulumi.String("cluster.local")},
		KeyAlgorithm:        selfSignedKey.Algorithm,
		PrivateKeyPem:       selfSignedKey.PrivateKeyPem,
		IsCaCertificate:     pulumi.Bool(false),
		ValidityPeriodHours: <http://pulumi.Int|pulumi.Int>(24 * 365 * 10),
		AllowedUses:         pulumi.StringArray{},
	if err != nil {
		return err
And then I get the key file using
and the cert file as
Thanks! So I guess if set the IsCaCertificate = true, that will give me the CA certificate. And then I would use the tls.LocallySignedCert to create the server and client certificates (passing in the
I haven’t used LocallySignedCert, so not 100% sure
In the above example, I’m creating what is essentially a self-signed cert, though without a specific CA (since I don’t really need to do verification)
But what you said sounds about right - you’d likely need to use tls.CertRequest as well, to generate the CSR, and pass that into LocallySignedCert
That makes sense, thanks so much for your help
No worries - I was also struggling to figure it out so thought I could share 🙂 If you do figure it out, it would be great to update the thread, so if someone else finds it in the future they get the answer.
Will definitely do that