Hi, all! I’m checking out Pulumi as a potential Te...
# general
Hi, all! I’m checking out Pulumi as a potential Terraform replacement for our project. I was quite excited about the
tool but, of course, nothing ever works on the first try 🙂 It seems like in our existing Terraform config we’re using https://registry.terraform.io/providers/gavinbunney/kubectl/latest provider for which there’s no direct Pulumi alternative and the
tool fails with a
no resource plugin 'kubectl'
error. My understanding was that I could use the
to make it proceed and then simply refactor the resulting code to use Pulumi’s native plugin but, unfortunately,
does nothing and
still fails. Is there an easy workaround for this or do I need to go the route of wrapping the
plugin via https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge, publishing it in the registry, etc., etc. ? Thanks!