Hello everybody. I come from an far away slack cha...
# general
Hello everybody. I come from an far away slack channel where a cms provider uses pulumi for their iac 🙂 those guys made an upgrade and now I'm stuck with a kind of pulumi like error where my stack can not be found by the cli. I am in contact with the cms devs but wanted to ask about my issue here as well. The error I get ist
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info: Environment provided - selecting dev Pulumi stack.
error: Project application api (dev environment) does not exist.
I have all the state files in the right path. Can anybody tell me what I might be missing that could lead to this behaviour? thanks for any hints in advance 🙂 Edit: I try to run the refresh command, but it doesn't matter. With every option it will say the stack does not exist.
It sounds like you are not logged into the same pulumi state backend that your CMS Provider uses.
thanks for your reply. the cms does not use the pulumi backend for state management. Insted they are stored locally inside the project.
the weird thing is, that there are 2 other pulumi stacks in the same project and I don't have that error with them...they just work
can you see the stack in your state directory?
there should be a file for each stack in the
directory inside your state folder
yes, I can see them
dev is the stack
ok so have you confirmed that you are logged into that directory?
Copy code
pulumi login file://<path>
I'm afraid I can not answer this question. afaik the cms does not use any form of pulumi login 😕 also I think it's not the issue as I can run pulumi commands against other stacks in that same repo
Thats actually the point that drives me crazy. Why is it working with the other stacks? what may be the different? (I don't see any obvious diffrents in the state files and their structure)
well they must login somehow to specify a custom state location. That is either done with the command I mentioned in CLI, or an environment variable, or in the pulumi project file
My concern was maybe you are logged into another project or state backend that has the same stack names as those other 2 but not
I will have to talk to the devs to get some more input on how they do things 😕
ok, good luck!
until then, thank you so much for your suggestions ❤️ I may be back tomorrow