Hi all! I'm using the Pulumi Automation API and I ...
# general
Hi all! I'm using the Pulumi Automation API and I would like to let the users to have or not its configuration in his Pulumi.stackName.yaml_._ I would like to run his stack with AWS, but I found a little misleading accessing the aws config as there are multiple sources of truth (aws.Provider, stack Yaml Config and environment variables). Example1: If I want to access the region from within a custom ComponentResource, I can only get these variables if they are previously defined with
setConfig('aws:region', {value: 'myValue'})
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aws.config.region or aws.getRegion() // in this way I can somehow obtain the configuration
// also with const awsConfigRegion = new pulumi.Config('aws').get('region')
Example2: If I do not have them defined with setConfig/yaml file but in aws.Provider and pass this provider to my CustomResource, I haven't found a clear way to access these values_._
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// file1.ts
const awsProvider = new aws.Provider(
    {region: 'eu-west-1', profile: 'some-profile'}
const myCustomResource = new MyCustomComponentResource(
    { provider: awsProvider, parent: awsProvider }

// file2.ts
export class MyCustomComponentResource extends pulumi.ComponentResource{
        args: {},
        opts?: pulumi.ComponentResourceOptions | undefined
      ) {
        super('resource-type', 'resource-name', {}, opts)
        // how to correctly access here the parent provider config if setConfig has not been called?
        // I could pass here the aws provider config as an argument, but it doesn't seem like the intended way to access these values
can you not just pass the provider through to your component resource?
this is what I was saying just above, but not sure if this was the "correct" way to do it
every resource in your Component will inherit the provider you pass, I think passing it as an opt is the right way to handle this
are you missing then the type for region?
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declare class Provider extends pulumi.ProviderResource {
     * Returns true if the given object is an instance of Provider.  This is designed to work even
     * when multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into the same process.
    static isInstance(obj: any): obj is Provider;
     * The access key for API operations. You can retrieve this from the 'Security & Credentials' section of the AWS console.
    readonly accessKey: pulumi.Output<string | undefined>;
     * The profile for API operations. If not set, the default profile created with `aws configure` will be used.
    readonly profile: pulumi.Output<string | undefined>;
     * The secret key for API operations. You can retrieve this from the 'Security & Credentials' section of the AWS console.
    readonly secretKey: pulumi.Output<string | undefined>;
     * The path to the shared credentials file. If not set this defaults to ~/.aws/credentials.
    readonly sharedCredentialsFile: pulumi.Output<string | undefined>;
     * session token. A session token is only required if you are using temporary security credentials.
    readonly token: pulumi.Output<string | undefined>;
     * Create a Provider resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
     * @param name The _unique_ name of the resource.
     * @param args The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties.
     * @param opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    constructor(name: string, args?: ProviderArgs, opts?: pulumi.ResourceOptions);
, ts complains because it's not accessible