Hey. First of all, I would like to thank the Pulum...
# general
Hey. First of all, I would like to thank the Pulumi team for developing this Platypus of IaC. It is outstandingly convenient Secondly, I have a question regarding the documentation - In most resources, there is no indication or description for the use with JavaScript/Node. Am I missing something? is there a newer version of documentation rather than this: Link Thanks in advance! BTW, I a m referring to AWS's documentation.
Hey Haim: you're right - we generate typescript docs and not JavaScript, mainly because most people use typescript. Are you using pure javascript?
Hey. I am using node.js infrastructure. I want our developers to adapt to a working method where they are developing our system with node.js, and also creating and configuring their necessary resources using the same language. If possible, It will be create to receive support for node.js.
node.js is supported (ie, pure javascript) we just don't automatically generate docs for them
you can derive the syntax from typescript fairly easily
I will try to do my best. Thanks.