Hi, any news on this? <https://github.com/pulumi/p...
# general
Hi, any news on this? https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/issues/555 It's causing bit of a headache for me
I don’t think there are any short term solutions here im afraid. We are evaluating implementing some of the solutions listed in the issue
What in particular is causing you pain?
Well, first and more minor part is the growing list of deprecation warnings in my stack. Currently counting 8.
The second part I'm not sure yet if it is strictly related to this
I need Grafana Ingress to be setup and thus I'm setting this value to true https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/blob/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack/values.yaml#L633
This leads to following error
Copy code
error: Error: invocation of kubernetes:helm:template returned an error: failed to generate YAML for specified Helm chart: failed to create chart from template: template: kube-prometheus-stack/charts/grafana/templates/ingress.yaml:1:14: executing "kube-prometheus-stack/charts/grafana/templates/ingress.yaml" at <.Values.ingress.enabled>: can't evaluate field enabled in type interface {}
So basically as far as I can see is that since that chart is using a dependency chart it fails with Pulumi
Most likely not directly related but since you asked...
It might be related, haven't dug deep into this yet
There's shittons of stuff in that chart, don't feel like setupping all that by myself directly via Pulumi
Unless I'm forced to
I might try to use the chart without ingress and setup only that by myself. That way I will lose context from the Ingress definition to the actual grafana deployment but I guess I can live with that...
I wish there was a tool to convert Helm charts to Pulumi code...
That would not have to be perfect, it could do imperfect job, 95% there
Then you could just fix the rest in Pulumi
helm template stable/chartmuseum  | kube2pulumi typescript
will probably render your chart pretty well
Uuuuh, nice. I need to look at that!
Copy code
> helm template prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack > chart.yaml
> kube2pulumi typescript -f ./chart.yaml
Error: failed to parse: input file does not contain valid yaml: ./chart.yaml
  kube2pulumi typescript [flags]

  -h, --help   help for typescript

Global Flags:
  -d, --directory string   file path for directory to convert
  -f, --file string        YAML file to convert

unable to run program: failed to parse: input file does not contain valid yaml: ./chart.yaml