Hi, we are using Pulumi to configure our Cloudflar...
# general
Hi, we are using Pulumi to configure our Cloudflare Loadbalancer and CertPacks. As part of our automatic scripts we do a
pulumi refresh
followed by a
pulumi up
. It looks like Pulumi doesnt correctly refreshs the state on the Cloudflare side for
. I wanted to force a recreate of the CertificatePack and deleted the existing CertificatePack in the Cloudflare UI and started the script. The
pulumi up
does not detected the missing CertificatePack and therefore also
pulumi up
will not recreate it... Anyone ran into a similar problem before? I checked the open issues (https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-cloudflare/issues) but couldnt find any related issue...