hello! Is there any way to pass an output into aws...
# general
hello! Is there any way to pass an output into aws.s3.BucketObject source? Examples:
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const bucketObject = new aws.s3.BucketObject("index.html", {
    acl: "public-read",
    contentType: "text/html",
    bucket: bucket,
    source: new pulumi.asset.FileAsset(pulumi.interpolate`${yarnBuild.path}/index.html`)
☝️this fails because FileAsset don't accept an output
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const bucketObject = new aws.s3.BucketObject("index.html", {
    acl: "public-read",
    contentType: "text/html",
    bucket: bucket,
    source: pulumi.all([yarnBuild.path]).apply(([p]) => new pulumi.asset.FileAsset(`${p}/index.html`))
☝️this fails because p is undefined...
Some context: I'd like to deploy a full-stack app with Pulumi and I need to do the following: 1. Deploy backend (dynamoDB + API Gateway) 2. Build the frontend locally using the API URL from step 1 3. Deploy frontend (S3+Cloudfront) In order to do step 2 I created a custom Resource and Resource provider that gets the API URL as input, builds the frontend locally using yarn and outputs the local path of the static assets. I want to pass this output (
) as an input to the BucketObject
You're close. I think you want something like
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    .apply(([p]) => new aws.s3.BucketObject("index.html", {
        acl: "public-read",
        contentType: "text/html",
        bucket: bucket,
        source: new pulumi.asset.FileAsset(`${p}/index.html`)
Worth noting that .apply(...) documentation says not to declare new resources within an apply
Yes, the best practice is that you don't. If you do, you might find that the resources created there don't show up in the preview
Hi @brave-planet-10645 I just tried your solution but the preview fails with:
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error: Error: failed to register new resource index.html [aws:s3/bucketObject:BucketObject]: 2 UNKNOWN: failed to compute asset hash: failed to open asset file 'undefined/index.html': open undefined/index.html: no such file or directory
Then I tried to run with:
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    .apply(([p]) => p && new aws.s3.BucketObject("index.html", {
        acl: "public-read",
        contentType: "text/html",
        bucket: bucket,
        source: new pulumi.asset.FileAsset(`${p}/index.html`)
Now the deploy works but it doesn't create the BucketObject (after the deploy, there's an empty S3 bucket)
That's probably because you've got the
p && new...
in there. I'm not sure that this would work. Where are you getting yarnBuild.path from?
if I don't put
p && new...
the preview fails as p is undefined. yarnBuild is a custom dynamic provider:
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export interface YarnResourceInputs {
    apiUrl: pulumi.Input<string>;
interface YarnResourceProviderInputs {
    apiUrl: string;
interface YarnResourceProviderOutputs {
    path: string;

const YarnResourceProvider: pulumi.dynamic.ResourceProvider = {
    async create(inputs: YarnResourceProviderInputs): Promise<pulumi.dynamic.CreateResult> {
       //build frontend with "yarn build"
 console.log('YarnResourceProvider:create ', inputs.apiUrl)
        return { id: "123", outs: { path: './dist' }};
    async diff(id: string, olds: YarnResourceProviderInputs, news: YarnResourceProviderInputs): Promise<pulumi.dynamic.DiffResult> {
        return {changes: true, replaces: ['apiUrl']}

class YarnResource extends pulumi.dynamic.Resource {
    public readonly path!: pulumi.Output<string>;
    constructor(name: string, props: YarnResourceInputs, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions) {
        super(YarnResourceProvider, name, props, opts);
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const yarnBuild = new YarnResource('yarn-build', {apiUrl: api.url})
comes from the backend resource
I don't understand why we would do
for a single output since that is meant to be used to get multiple outputs into the same apply delegate. Why not just
yarnBuild.path.apply(p => new aws.s3.BucketObject(...));
Also it doesn't look like
is setting and/or registering
as an output?
So I think you're both wrong ( 😉 )... this is a dynamic resource which I don't think uses outputs... so Joshua: outputs don't need to be registered and Eric: you don't need to use outputs here
💡 1
Gotcha - Haven't had the chance to use dynamic resources yet 🙂
@bored-oyster-3147 I tried
but it fails in the preview run as
yarnBuild.path == undefined
Well that's because you're not setting it, right?
yes, in the
create function
but I don't think that sets
. You need to set it in your
constructor after calling the base constructor. And @brave-planet-10645 is saying that it can be
instead of
@brave-planet-10645 I don't get why you say I don't need outputs here. The
is supposed to run "yarn build", grab the path of the build and return it as an output to be used by the bucket resource
Does it actually convert the string into an
so far I'm just mocking it with:
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async create(inputs: YarnResourceProviderInputs): Promise<pulumi.dynamic.CreateResult> {
       //build frontend with "yarn build"
        return { id: "123", outs: { path: './dist' }};
I'm using examples from your docs. Do I need to convert the
part to an output object? I thought Pulumi did this automatically
I would expect Pulumi to do that automatically. I'll have a play with resource providers tomorrow morning and see what I can find out. This looks like we need some better examples in the examples repo as well
Ok I just scanned the docs for this and you're right about not needing to set that property explicitly, I'm sorry. There is some magic happening to set that from your
. Not a fan of magic implementations like that but my bad for confusing the discussion I did notice that your code differs from the documentation example slightly on 1 point:
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interface MyResourceProviderOutputs {
    myNumberOutput: number;
    myStringOutput: string;

class MyResourceProvider implements pulumi.dynamic.ResourceProvider {
    async create(inputs: MyResourceProviderInputs): Promise<pulumi.dynamic.CreateResult> {
        // Values are for an example only.
        return { id: "...", outs: { myNumberOutput: 12, myStringOutput: "some value" }};

export class MyResource extends pulumi.dynamic.Resource {
    public readonly myStringOutput!: pulumi.Output<string>;
    public readonly myNumberOutput!: pulumi.Output<number>;

    constructor(name: string, props: MyResourceInputs, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions) {
        super(myprovider, name, { myStringOutput: undefined, myNumberOutput: undefined, ...props }, opts);
Maybe that object expansion in the
call is important? They are doing something similar in all of the other SDK examples. Maybe your
call should be
super(YarnResourceProvider, name, { path: undefined, ...props }, opts);
Hi @bored-oyster-3147 I don't think that makes any difference
Weird to be in the documentation then. Why would they use object expansion to add null output properties to the input obj? very weird
So I've taken a look, and I think Joshua is correct here. You do need to expand the object. So using Eric's original code and adding the expanded object:
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";

export interface YarnResourceInputs {
    apiUrl: pulumi.Input<string>;
interface YarnResourceProviderInputs {
    apiUrl: string;
interface YarnResourceProviderOutputs {
    path: string;
const YarnResourceProvider: pulumi.dynamic.ResourceProvider = {
    async create(inputs: YarnResourceProviderInputs): Promise<pulumi.dynamic.CreateResult> {
       //build frontend with "yarn build"
//  console.log('YarnResourceProvider:create ', inputs.apiUrl)
        return { id: "123", outs: { path: './dist' }};
    async diff(id: string, olds: YarnResourceProviderInputs, news: YarnResourceProviderInputs): Promise<pulumi.dynamic.DiffResult> {
        return {changes: true, replaces: ['apiUrl']}
export class YarnResource extends pulumi.dynamic.Resource {
    public readonly path!: pulumi.Output<string>;
    constructor(name: string, props: YarnResourceInputs, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions) {
        super(YarnResourceProvider, name, {path: undefined, ...props}, opts);
And then updating the program slightly so the bucketobject isn't created in the apply, but the fileasset, you get something like this:
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as provider from "./provider";
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";

const yarn = new provider.YarnResource("yarn", {
    apiUrl: "<http://thing.com|thing.com>"

export const path = yarn.path;

const bucket = new aws.s3.Bucket("bucket");

const file = yarn.path.apply(x => new pulumi.asset.FileAsset(x));

const bucketObject = new aws.s3.BucketObject("object", {
    source: file,
Give that a go
Thanks @brave-planet-10645! That worked 😃
🎉 1