I'm trying to use `pulumi import` to import an exi...
# general
I'm trying to use
pulumi import
to import an existing Azure resource group. I'm trying to specify the resource group as the
but am getting
error: an inline resource must be specified if no import file is used.
Is there an example of importing an Azure resource that I can compare against?
I'm not clear on what the "type" should be for an Azure resource group.
Also not sure if I can just use the resource group name or something more fully qualified
what are you trying?
what resource are you trying to import?
oh right the resource group, sorry. I’m not sure what you mean by
I’m trying to specify the resource group as the 
Are you using the azure-native provider?
Can you tell me what you tried that resulted in that error?
https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/azure-native/resources/resourcegroup/#import The format is:
Copy code
pulumi import [type] [name] [id]
Copy code
pulumi import azure-native:resources:ResourceGroup myResourceGroup /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup
Ah ok let me try it with that type...
I tried this:
pulumi import azure-native:resources:ResourceGroup "/subscriptions/{subscription guid}/resourceGroups/{resource group name}"
but no go
oh wait, I am missing the
you’re missing the name arg, you have
pulumi import [type] [id]
is what you would like to call the resource in your pulumi program
ah ok..
It's importing! yay
🎉 1
Thank you very much
partypus 8bit 1