Getting this error when I do pulumi up: error: Run...
# general
Getting this error when I do pulumi up: error: Running program 'C:\***\bin\Debug\net5.0\BiResources.dll' failed with an unhandled exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Expected Pulumi.AssetOrArchive but got System.String deserializing Pulumi.Azure.Storage.Blob.source This happens only when I do it for the second time. First time it goes fine. Can someone help me regarding this?
i've come across the same thing using StringAsset and AssetArchive for aws lambda functions here:
basically, it seems like the
pulumi refresh
operation does something to change the state that breaks serialization. so for me the temporary solution is to just never run
pulumi refresh
I am not using any pulumi refresh. Just using pulumi up. Still getting the same issue.