how can I get the string of RandomPassword, I trie...
# general
how can I get the string of RandomPassword, I tried almost 2 hours, but always get error:
Copy code
Calling [toJSON] on an [Output<T>] is not supported.
To get the value of an Output as a JSON value or JSON string consider either:
    1: o.apply(v => v.toJSON())
    2: o.apply(v => JSON.stringify(v))

See <> for more details.
This function may throw in a future version of @pulumi/pulumi
Copy code
const dbpassword = new random.RandomPassword(`${userName}-password`, {
  length: 16,
  special: true,
  overrideSpecial: `_%@`,
const textMessage = dbpassword.result.apply(s => `{username: ${userName}, password: ${s}}`);
const passwordString = dbpassword.result.apply(v => `password: ${v}`);
const content = dbpassword.result.apply( (v) => `
  username: ${userName}
  password: "${v}"

sendMessageToFeishu(webhookURL, {
  msg_type: "post",
  content: {
    post: {
      zh_cn: {
        title: "MetaDB Password",
        content: [[
          { tag: "text", text: content },
          // { tag: "text", text: `username: ${userName}  ;  ` },
          { tag: "text", text: passwordString },
that's my code
@gorgeous-country-43026 pls help me
Lol, so I'm the go-to guy to help now 😅 No worries, I'll help
new random.RandomPassword
returns an
. That's not the same as plain string
What that means is that it's a string value that will get realized sometime in the future
has a method called
which also returns an
So that you can chain these together and keep the logic sound
Basically if you are calling functions which require you to pass a plain string to them and that string is being generated by an
you need to do something like this:
Copy code
const someOutput = new random.RandomPassword(.....);
someOutput.apply(password => console.log('Password is:", password));
You have the "raw" value available within the handler function of
. Pulumi will call that function after the
has realized it's value
It's an async world
Hope that helps
Oh, one more thing. If you have several `Output`s and you need to get the raw value from all of those there's
function to wait for all of them at the same time. Basically you'll do this:
Copy code
const dbPassword = new random.RandomPassword(...);
const apiPassword = new random.RandomPassword(...);

  db: dbPassword,
}).apply({db, apiPassword} => {
  // This is called *only* after *both* Outputs are realized
  console.log("DB password:", db);
  console.log("API password:", apiPassword);
@rhythmic-actor-14991 please do not
individual people asking for help there's a blog post here explaining why you can't get this value outside of an apply: Thanks for helping out @gorgeous-country-43026 - much appreciated
I use the
, but still get no effect..
Copy code
{ tag: "text", text:  dbpassword.result.apply(result => `Password is:, ${result}`) },
@rhythmic-actor-14991 when they say in the apply, they mean in the code you want something like
Copy code
const someOutput = new random.RandomPassword(.....);

// out here someOutput is an output and you can't get the value

someOutput.apply( => {
 // in here someOutput is a string

 console.log('Password is:", someOutput);
 // you can use the value like this 
 sendMessageToFeishu(webhookURL, {
  msg_type: "post",
  content: {
    post: {
      zh_cn: {
        title: "MetaDB Password",
        content: [[
          { tag: "text", text: content },
          { tag: "text", text: someOutput },
@Patrick Flaherty that's great... sorry for such stupid question,... I should learn pulumi deeply..