hey guys, im evaluating pulumi for a large enterpr...
# general
hey guys, im evaluating pulumi for a large enterprise company and have a couple of questions: 1. am i right that all calls to create resources in aws are forwarded via pulumi platform and not directly to aws? if it is forwarded via your platform do you have a self hosted solution then? 2. are argoCD and pulumi mutually excluding tools? per my understanding if we create eks cluster with some config maps via pulumi, argo won't be able to synchronize a git repo with a cluster since infrastructure is not in yaml format
about 1, no, calls are made directly from the host where
pulumi up
is run, even if you use Pulumi's service (which is awesome). And you do not have to use Pulumi's service, you can store your state on S3 for example (I am not affiliated with Pulumi in any way)
Hi @gray-addition-15547 - Pier-Luc already helped answer your first question, but just to elaborate a bit more, we don’t store any sensitive data in our service and our service never interacts with your cloud provider, only the cli tool does. As for ArgoCd, the tools are not mutually exclusive. You can render Pulumi to yaml if you want to use Argo If you like, I’m happy to set up some time to chat and answer any questions
Thanks for responses guys. @billowy-army-68599 could you please provide pricing for enterprise licensing?
or should i fill in this form? https://www.pulumi.com/contact/
@gray-addition-15547 if you DM your email I'll have an account rep reach out to you, we have a bunch of pricing options at the enterprise tier I'd like to run you through
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