Hi pulumi, we have been using pulumi for our GCP p...
# general
Hi pulumi, we have been using pulumi for our GCP postgres setup and other uses for about two years now. When I did a
pulumi preview
on our master, it is now showing a difference in GRANTs. Wondering if this is anything to worry about, and/or is a known change.
You can review this pulumi provider changelog: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-gcp/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md In conjunction with the terraform provider changelog: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google-beta/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md And see if anything stands out to you
Don’t see any mention of postgres, psql or grant
Can you share your code and your diff?
here’s the relevant part
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~ postgresql:index/grant:Grant: (update)
        [provider: urn:pulumi:databases::databases::pulumi:providers:postgresql::default_2_10_0::[...redacted...] => urn:pulumi:databases::databases::pulumi:providers:postgresql::default_2_4_0::output<string>]
      ~ privileges: [
          ~ [0]: "UPDATE" => "ALL"
          - [1]: "REFERENCES"
          - [2]: "TRUNCATE"
          - [3]: "SELECT"
          - [4]: "DELETE"
          - [5]: "TRIGGER"
          - [6]: "INSERT"
and then a bunch of changes like
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  ~ user       : {
where the sub-object (“user”) doesn’t have any changes
oh cause it's not the GCP provider it's the postgres provider. I got caughtup when you mentioned GCP. Same thing though' just different links
which is guess is mostly okay? But I don’t know if “ALL” exactly matches the list of privileges.
if it’s https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-postgresql/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md the only thing related to grant or privileges is
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Rename defaultPrivileg to defaultPrivileges
but the pulumi provider wasn't updated since May so, 🤷‍♂️
Ok there are some mentions of grants and privileges in the terraform changelog
Ok I can just eliminate the diff by changing a
privileges: ["ALL"]
to instead list out all of the previously stated privileges.
Seems like maybe there was a bug where ALL was previously expanded to the specific privileges, but then it got fixed. I’m all set now.