Hey there! :wave: I am looking into concurrency co...
# general
Hey there! 👋 I am looking into concurrency control for alternative backends. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26884879 states, this was added into Pulumi a while ago. I am unable to find any documentation on this, though. Maybe someone could help push me in the right direction here?
What "concurrency" means here is that you can't run multiple updates on the same stack at the same time. Previous we'd only support this in the Pulumi backend service, but now we support this across all backends (I'm looking for the PR that enabled this at the moment). This happens automatically and you don't have to do anything. If by concurrency you mean "don't do create it update resources in parallel" then you can use the
flag when running
pulumi up
Here's the PR for reference: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pull/2697
Thanks a lot, that was exactly the info I needed!
Just out of question, which one were you talking about?
I was talking about the first one. I knew about the
flag, but I was curious about the locking mechanism in backend services.
State locking is an important topic for us and the documentation feels lacking in this regard.
That's a fair point, but we are a business and the Saas is our paying product which pays for the development of the open source product, so we are going to promote using the Saas over other backends