Hi, im currently working through <https://www.pulu...
# general
Hi, im currently working through https://www.pulumi.com/blog/build-publish-containers-iac/, and its been really helpful! When i run a 
pulumi up
 on the full code given in the walkthrough Im running in the following issue: The cluster (not in the scope of the walkthrough but I create it in the same .go file just before the repository), image and repository are created without problem, but when trying to create the service using the image it fails since its trying to use my local .kube/config to access the cluster which isnt updated. When I manually update it for the newly generated cluster and run 
pulumi up
 again the service is created without problem. Is there anyway to hand in the kubeconfig from the cluster by using 
 in the service declaration somehow? I looked through all the Parameters used in 
 but couldnt find anything suitable. If anyone has any idea on how this could be solved Id greatly appreciate it!
hey Till, you're using Go right? you need to create a `provider`: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/kubernetes/provider/ and then pass that provider to your resources resource options: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/blob/ca40203279f393c0c159dadcadc97c6007122997/aws-go-eks/main.go#L158
Thanks for the quick response! This seems to make sense, but im using the eks library from
in comparison to
as you linked in the example. Im kinda wondering here whats the difference between them since both expose somewhat comparable methods (for example .newCluster()), but also dont seem to be interchangable.
EKS is a component, or a convenience wrapper around the AWS libraries. It does expose a kubeconfig which can be passed to a kubernetes provider https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/blob/master/examples/cluster-go/main.go#L28
Thats how I initially thought of it too, but the type conversion doesnt seem very intuitive. How would you approach that?
you do need to create the provider using an apply unfortunately https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/blob/master/examples/aws-go-eks-helloworld/main.go#L23
oh sorry, it actually has a
object now!
That seems to have done the trick! Thank you so much! Another question I was wondering earlier about: do you happen to know if there is a way to configure a manifest for a eks-cluster in the declaration as you would manually do with
$ kubectl apply -f eks-console-full-access.yaml
ah this is the good old
configmap problem 🙂 this is handled by the rolemappings property: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/eks/cluster/#rolemapping
Thats what I did, but that doesnt replace the
kubectl apply
right? Its just mapping and not creating the group configured in the .yaml or am I missing a crucial point here?
Ah, I see what you're saying - you're right, you'll need to create a clusterrole and clusterolebinding with the Kubernetes provider: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/kubernetes/rbac/v1/clusterrole/ https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/kubernetes/rbac/v1/clusterrolebinding/
or, you can point directly at the YAML file with the
resource: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/kubernetes/yaml/configfile/
do you happen to have a code example for this? I dont think I completely got how that would look implemented