Noob question… How to delete a project? Or maybe ...
# general
Noob question… How to delete a project? Or maybe it’s, how to get local pulumi state to match the state on I deleted a newly created Pulumi project from my local file system. When I tried to recreate it, I got an error saying the project exists. Sure enough, it did on So I deleted the only stack on the project on, and then the project was also deleted by Pulumi. However, the error in recreating the project still exists on my local machine. So now, I’m not sure how to get my local state to match what’s on Pulumi.
can you post the full error message here? (to make sure it complains about Pulumi project and not some cloud resources for example)
pulumi stack rm {stackname}
- once all the stacks have been deleted then the project is deleted in the pulumi console
@prehistoric-activity-61023 I will post more details as soon as I get a chance. Thx.