Hi all, looking at the docs on dynamic resources, ...
# general
Hi all, looking at the docs on dynamic resources, it says that .NET isn't supported yet. That's been the case for quite a while. Is that still true? If so, is it something to do with calling the .NET code from the pulumi-resource-pulumi-nodejs? How does it manage it for Python and Go? (Asking in case it's something I could issue a PR for!)
Join the club haha - I'm eagerly watching this issue for changes: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/3638
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and similar issue for Go dynamic providers: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/3825 for python and typescript they actually serialize the provider code as part of the state, but they don't have a solution for go or .net yet
Thanks @bumpy-grass-54508 for the issue link. I've subscribed for updates on it. I think I need to work on my search skills given I didn't find this issue before!
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