Hi, We are trying to setup aws eks cluster using a...
# general
Hi, We are trying to setup aws eks cluster using automation api . is there a way to create eks cluster without having to install `aws-iam-authenticator`: on the local machine. All example i see has the prerequistes to install aws-iam-authenticator on the machine .
how are you building your clusters? you don't need to use
- you can populate your
aws eks get-token --clusterName
instead, but one of them needs to be in your kubeconfig
Hi Jax ,Thanks for the reply we building a rest interface where user can send the rest request to create a cluster thats why we dont want to install any aws tool where the program is running .
aws eks get-token --clusterName
will still require aws to be install on the macine where we running the pulumi code right ?
Yes, this is a limitation of aws eks, we don’t have any control over it