Config File Format :wave: , I think it’d be nice ...
# general
Config File Format 👋 , I think it’d be nice to have a configuration format looks like this: to me it’s a bit easier to see the differences among the resources in different stacks, since the config file can get pretty big.
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    engine: "mysql"
      dev: "db.t2.micro"
      prod: "db.t2.xlarge"
I can do some codegen myself to regroup my new configuration format and separate it into .dev.yml & .prod.yml. Do you guys see any obvious cons with this step up? Is it possible to customize this behavior with in pulumi?
You want all stacks to be configured via a single file?
That won't work well in per-user stack setup. Teams where everyone has their own stack.
That won’t work well in per-user stack setup. Teams where everyone has their own stack.
Ah good point! That sounds like a pretty common use case.
You want all stacks to be configured via a single file?
Yes. For my use case though, there will only be 3 stacks at most: dev, staging, and prod. With 3 .yml files, it’s a bit hard to see what are the differences among those envs.
Maybe you could put it all in a new .yaml, and write a script that creates your Pulumi.yaml and all stack files from it? Then you could remove Pulumi.yaml and Pulumi.<stack>.yaml from source control and replace them with your multistack.yaml file...?
Maybe you could put it all in a new .yaml, and write a script that creates your Pulumi.yaml and all stack files from it?
Yep! I think I might do that. It should worth the effort. Do you see any potentials for pulumi to: 1. pulumi itself supports different config formats 2. it accepts some plugin or some-sort to allow user customize their configurations?
Not me personally. But everyone has their specific needs and it might suit others.
👍 1
Don't forget that you're using a programming language, so technically your config can look like whatever you want. For example, if you're using typescript you could have something like:
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export const config = {
    rdsInstance: {
        engine: "mysql",
        instanceType: {
            dev: "db.t2.micro",
            prod: "db.t2.xlarge"
You can also include some stack config in there too, so you can include secrets in it:
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";

const pulumiconfig = new pulumi.Config();

export const config = {
    rdsInstance: {
        engine: "mysql",
        instanceType: {
            dev: "db.t2.micro",
            prod: "db.t2.xlarge"
        username: "root",
        password: pulumiconfig.getSecret("mysqlpassword")
Thank you! Defining it directly in the source code is a very interesting direction! Thanks for pointing that out 🙂
👍 1