team, I want to highlight it here, we’ve had monor...
# general
team, I want to highlight it here, we’ve had monorepo together with pulumi code for a long time and it was tough to keep it together due to performance issues, typescript was trying to index definition files forever, today we are gonna remove pulumi out from our codebase and keep it separately, which totally disables an ability to use interfaces across infra + backend in a single monorepo. (this issue was created in May 2021, no response, I hope you will find some time to have at least your input on this issue)
which totally disables an ability to use interfaces across infra + backend
Can you expand on this limitation you are having?
This is something we're aware of and are discussing internally, trying to work out the best solution for this. One place we've seen a little bit of success with is how you're using import statements. Are you doing
import * as azure-native from "@pulumi/azure-native"
no, we are doing deep imports… but internally you still do input types import which is 40M+
@bored-oyster-3147 this requires us to do
yarn link
, which is not for monorepo was made for
@brave-planet-10645 any import of
will require input/outputs from root, which is the largest definitions
we’ve made a bit better job by moving fully
, but still… VSCode is just going crazy to load this package
I am happy to zoom / chat and describe the issue more deeper or even be a beta tester 🙂