Good afternoon! I was just talking to matt stratto...
# general
Good afternoon! I was just talking to matt stratton on twitter about trying to deploy a dotnet container I have via pulumi which I had a contributor start some pulumi code in a private devops repo. I don't know enough to know if there's creds in there or how to even use it. Could use a hand figuring out what I even have. my code itself is a day or two from being ready to deploy i guess.
Hey Jessica! Where are youmtrying to deploy the container to?
Well, I believe he was originally headed towards my AWS account, but I'm open to Azure too.
I got it! Feel free to grab some time and we can take a look!
cool! If you want I can just add you to the repo and you can peek at your leisure.
whats your github username?
cool! momentito
we have a github service account and I believe some AWS stuff set up
but to be honest I have no idea what he managed to get done
i was heads down on the actual code 🙂
if you can give it a 2 second once over and see what you think it sets up or how complete it is that's maybe all i need to know
i'll take a look this evening!
if its not very complete I may proceed with some other platform I know better 😉
yeah no rush at all!
id love to have a coding buddy anytime
it certainly looks fairly ready to go, just needs a few tweaks
that's good to know!
id love to get any cliffs notes on what i'd need to make use of it from a github push-auto deploy workflow standpoint?
is there anything I can help you with somehow?