Hi, during the pulumi destroy of a stack with an A...
# general
Hi, during the pulumi destroy of a stack with an AWS S3 Bucket which has 15K objects takes around 45 minutes to delete the objects before deleting the bucket. Using AWS CLI the deletion takes 2 minutes. Is there any argument which could speed the stack destroy in this case or this is a know issue? Language: go.
Can confirm, we have the same problem with very large S3 Buckets and it takes literally hours to delete them with pulumi. Usually those stacks fail (timeout) on destroy and we have to manually clean-up the S3 Buckets (using CLI or AWS Web Console) to speed things up.
One more addition. The objects are not big 2-3 KB each. In total like 40MB.
Same here, we have thousands (if not millions) of small to medium sized objects (KB to few MB).
Do you manage each object with pulumi or did you try
could you run a performance trace here? https://www.pulumi.com/docs/troubleshooting/#performance
In my case we only manage the S3 Bucket with Pulumi, the objects are created by applications (not Pulumi).
We also maintain only the bucket with pulumi. The objects are created by apps. The pulumi uses force destroy, otherwise wouldn't be able to delete the bucket.
I executed the pulumi destroy now with the traces turned on suggested by @billowy-army-68599. The 45 minutes are spent in /pulumirpc.ResourceProvider/Delete.
@witty-helmet-74677 just to be sure I'm understanding, you're populating a bucket with an external program then doing a force delete?
as pointed out by @white-balloon-205 (thanks!) it seems we inherit this from the upstream AWS provider: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/12146
Thanks @billowy-army-68599. Answer to your question is yes, bucket is populated with a external program (actually to reproduce I just synchronize a local folder into a bucket: aws sync - this is the fastest way I found) and then I destroy the cluster which will call the force_delete.
these are the args used to create the bucket: s3.NewBucket(ctx, "my-bucket-12354698", &s3.BucketArgs{ AccelerationStatus: nil, Acl: pulumi.String("private"), Arn: nil, Bucket: nil, BucketPrefix: nil, CorsRules: nil, ForceDestroy: pulumi.Bool(true), Grants: nil, HostedZoneId: nil, LifecycleRules: s3.BucketLifecycleRuleArray{&s3.BucketLifecycleRuleArgs{Enabled: pulumi.Bool(true), Expiration: &s3.BucketLifecycleRuleExpirationArgs{Days: pulumi.Int(10)}}}, Loggings: nil, ObjectLockConfiguration: nil, Policy: nil, ReplicationConfiguration: nil, RequestPayer: nil, ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: &s3.BucketServerSideEncryptionConfigurationArgs{ Rule: &s3.BucketServerSideEncryptionConfigurationRuleArgs{ ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault: &s3.BucketServerSideEncryptionConfigurationRuleApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefaultArgs{ KmsMasterKeyId: pulumi.String("<key_id>"), SseAlgorithm: pulumi.String("aws:kms"), }, BucketKeyEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true), }, }, Tags: nil, TagsAll: nil, Versioning: nil, Website: nil, WebsiteDomain: nil, WebsiteEndpoint: nil, })