Hi all, We’re using custom providers for a couple...
# general
Hi all, We’re using custom providers for a couple of things and for some reason on developer machines pulumi finds the plugin when we build and preview on dev machines but doesn’t on our CD machines. I know the plugin binary is there on the CD machine, named the same and is executable in the path because I can run it on the CD machine:
Copy code
Executing command: pulumi-resource-elasticcloud                                                                                          
error: fatal: could not connect to host RPC; missing argument
However, when pulumi preview is ran on the CD machine it throws the following error, which appears to be looking for the plugin using a binary name that includes the version:
Copy code
error: could not load plugin for elasticcloud provider 'urn:pulumi:xxx::xxx::pulumi:providers:elasticcloud::elastic': no re
source plugin 'elasticcloud-v0.0.3' found in the workspace or on your $PATH, install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install resource ela
sticcloud v0.0.3`
Does anyone have any idea about what might be going on here?
One thing to note as well is that the version is actually 0.0.5 not 0,0.3 but 0.0.3 is the one in the state
Talking from my own experience, did you make the plug-in binary executable after transferring it to the CD machines?
Its being built on the CD machine using go install. The first shell output above is me executing it on the CD machine though
Although in the same step in which I built it so maybe I dont understand how things are persisted between steps
let me verify
@prehistoric-kite-30979 if the plugin version v0.0.3 is in the state, you'll need both binaries
so it turned out I misunderstood how stuff is persisted between steps, false alarm!
@prehistoric-kite-30979 do you have any plans to publish this? I was looking at how to get my elastic cloud indexes up and running and was disappointed not to see a published @pulumi/elastic-cloud
Im reticent to sign up for perpetual maintenance, I’m happy to give the code to the pulumi team if they want to do that
its basically just using the pulumi tf boilerplate stuff
Yeah that's fair.
With no expectation of you providing ongoing maintenance, would you consider throwing it up on github?
I’ll zip up the code and send it to you when Im back at my keyboard
@echoing-match-29901 what does it take to persuade you guys to pick up and maintain this...?
please file a support ticket for it support@pulumi.com and we'll consider it
As in, I just send an email there with a bit of rationale? Sure
yep, if you're a customer with us, I'd encourage talking to your account exec too