Hey guys, how is `opts` supposed to be handled by ...
# general
Hey guys, how is
supposed to be handled by resources and components inside of a new component resource you are creating? So if I pass in a
to the new component do I need to merge it with every sub resources’ opts ? Can the sub resource say, just have
specified? Also, What is the role of passing
So if I pass in a provider via opts to the new component do I need to merge it with every sub resources’ opts ?
No, a component inherits all properties from the parent component. You can also pass multiple providers to a component if you're missing resource types
Thanks! This makes things easier 🙂
Hey Lee 🙂 I think i may still be a bit confused on this matter Say I make component X which will be a specific type of k8s Ingress I have a function (not a class extending component resource) that X calls to create the ingress with the given params for the specific ingress spec. The ingress that is created by said function, does it need to have passed into it
{parent: thisContextOfSpecificIngress, opts: specificIngressOps}
? Will it work for just a plain function to not have to pass this info? Or does this function really need to be a class extending component resource to get the opts? If it needs to be a component resource, i can’t conceptualize that well. Bec it is really just a helper/factory class to take in args and produce an ingress resource. It isn’t meant to be its own standalone component that is used by people. Its function is for internal use
sorry, the question isn't really resonating with me I'm afraid, trying to wrap my head around it but it's hard to internalize
Maybe i can sum down the question to this: Any ComponentResource that either has internal methods or calls external functions, if those functions create new resources, such as a k8s ingress, does that ingress automatically get the opts provided to the top level ComponentResource? I know up above you seemed to say yes. But is it required to set the
of the ingress for the rest of the opts to be passed along? How does a resource’s opts being configured work? In what circumstances would I need to explicitly pass opts to a resource?