With Pulumi and pricing... i'm using an individual...
# general
With Pulumi and pricing... i'm using an individual account, but i'd like to know what my usage would be with a team account, but i don't know how my individual usage equates to a team account (150k credits?)
Pulumi credits represent resource hours. So, 150K credits per month equates to about 200 Pulumi-managed resources per month. (200 resources * 750 hours/month) See https://www.pulumi.com/pricing/#faq-pricing for more information.
okay, that seems unintuitive, i was expecting a credit to equal an action taken, not just "resources" managed
it also would be nice if an individual account at least showed Usage
It is provided. If you are not seeing it, go to the Dashboard view and click “Customize dashboard” and select “Resource count graph.”
I saw that, but i was looking under Settings / Billing and Usage
mainly thinking the Usage would tell me
makes sense. I’ll pass along that feedback.
@square-car-84996 with regards to individual accounts and usage i absolutely agree with your feedback. would you mind opening up an issue over in our new console requests repo? https://github.com/pulumi/console-requests/issues
is there a way to bump issues? kinda tangential but having an “estimated” costs on team page seems pretty easy to do. instead of the “Next payment:” piece on the org Billing & Usage page, which only represents current price if we were billed today.
@breezy-airplane-94478 you can add a vote on the issue by emoji reacting to it with 👍🏻 , or feel free to open up a new issue!