Hi everyone, is it also possible to use Pulumi as ...
# general
Hi everyone, is it also possible to use Pulumi as a configuration management tool like Ansible? For example: 1. Provisioning Ubuntu on dedicated servers? 2. Installing/updating some apt packages on Ubuntu like Docker? 3. Provisioning a Kubernetes cluster like k0s?
Hi Thomas! We don't currently have a specific product feature for configuration management at the OS layer, no. If you use our TypeScript or Python SDKs, you can achieve some of the same goals using a dynamic provider: https://www.pulumi.com/blog/dynamic-providers/ There's an example of this in use here: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/aws-py-ec2-provisioners | https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/aws-ts-ec2-provisioners We don't plan on adding further support for this as it's a very saturated space. If you're looking for some product suggestions to work alongside Pulumi, happy to recommend some things!
@billowy-army-68599 thanks for your quick response! 1. On which layer (low-level) do "dynamic providers" work? For example, only for clouds or can I also configure something with it on dedicated servers (bare-metal) and if so how deeply (OS > OS dependencies > Kubernetes > Helm Charts)? 2. So in other words, Pulumi can just be used to deploy e.g. some Helm charts on an existing Kubernetes cluster, but Pulumi is not able to provisioning the Kubernetes cluster itself?
1. Dynamic providers basically become part of Pulumi's lifecycle and will follow the create/replace/update/delete model. If you're willing to put the work in, they can do pretty much anything assuming you're willing to build the logic. If you take a look at the provisioners example above, you can see an example of that 2. Pulumi can provision anything that has an API. There are lots of tools that can bootstrap a cluster, for example our RKE provider: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/rke/ but we don't currently have any plans to change our provisioning model outside the API layer
Alright and thanks for your answers!