hi everyone, i have few question, i use pulumi sin...
# general
hi everyone, i have few question, i use pulumi since 1 year now and i love it. But in certain case, it’s very hard to understand how use code without example. see my problem : I write my code with typescript, and i’am on Azure I use web.webaap for create a function app, and i want to add an identity provider. I use azuread.Application (App registration) who its work fine, but when i want to associate my function app with this App registration, i used WebAppAuthSettingsV2. And its very hard to understand how used it. Somebody have an working example ? See my code in the next message
You're using the Azure Native provider here, so everything should map exactly to Microsoft's own SDK examples. I'm not familiar with the Microsoft docs and examples, but it looks like the commands on this page could be reverse engineered into SDK equivalents, which would be the same as in Pulumi: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/tutorial-auth-aad
hi, thank’s, god idea, i will make reverse engineered with https://resources.azure.com/